30 October 2006

Insect List October 30

Here's a list of all the buggies I saw today..

Honeybees, of course. They were out and about cleaning off the leftover honey from the frames we left out for them.

A really cool, huge wheel bug.

Some question mark butterflies and a wasp and a bluebottle fly, also cleaning up the honey.

A grasshopper that looked quite lost on our driveway in the middle of the woods.

The wild honeybees (a swarm that escaped us and took up residence in a hollow tree along the driveway) certainly seemed busy and happy.

1 comment:

Lyn said...

A wheel bug? Those seem like they are COOL

They have a WHEEL on them

Or it looks like that. I would like to see a stickbug. I have never seen a walking stick. And a black witch moth. And a moth that looks like a hornet but isn't a hornet, but against all logical advice, I'd probably run screaming or faint.